Archive and Compression
Look inside an Archive:tar -tzf jdk-7u79-linux-x64.tar.gz
Expand the Archive:
tar -xzvf jdk-7u79-linux-x64.tar.gz
tar -xjvf jdk-7u79-linux-x64.tar.bz2
Create an Archive of directory:
tar -cvf mahesh.tar /mahesh-dir :
-c create, v-verbose, f-file
Extract a .zip file.
unzip -d destination_folder
List file details in human readable form:
ls -lh
Disk usage of the current directory:
du -sh
-s : summery
Create an Compressed Archive:
tar -czvf file.tgz /dir
tar -cjvf file.tar.bz2 /dir
Get type of file:
file mahesh.txt
Edit the bashrc file
sudo vim $HOME/.bashrc
Re-load the bashrc file
exec bash
Copy Recursively:
sudo cp -R jdk1.7.0_79/ /usr/811
Delete a non-empty directory
sudo rm -r folderName
Find out where the command is:
which uptime
Ctrl + D
Long Directory listing with last modified time:
ls -lt /
Reverse listing
ls -lrt /
Write to File:
ls > out.txt
Append to File:
ls >> out.txt
Output standard output
ls /811 1>> out.txt
1 - standard output (default)
2 - error output
Send both error and standard output to the same file:
ls /811 > out.txt 2>&1
Send the output to nowhere:
ls /811 > /dev/null 2>&1
Word count of a file:
wc -l out.txt
Print shell options:
set -o
Prevent overriding an existing file (appending is possible).
set -o noclobber
Override the safety:
ls /811 >| out.txt
Free Disk space
df -h
Pipes - Send output of one command to input of another
No of lines returned by "ls" command (Un named pipes):
ls -l | wc -l
Named Pipes (Inter process communication - IPC)
Create the named pipe
mkfifo mypipe
ls -l > mypipe
wc -l < mypipe
Delete non empty directory:
rm -rf abc
Search text in a file:
grep error unit-test.log
grep error *.txt
Search with case insensitive way:
grep -i error *.txt
List only directories:
ls -l | grep "^d"
Inverts the search
ls -l | grep -v "^d"
Grep options:
-i - case insensitive
-c - count the occurrences
-l - show line number of occurrences
-v - inverts search
See only lines starting with "ABC"
grep '^server\b' /811
grep '\bserver\b' /811
Find all files in the current directory and its sub directory:
find /811
find .
find /811 -name abc
find /811 -name '*txt'
Find the content of files:
find /811 -name '*txt' -exec grep -l xyz {} \;
find -name -exec vim {} \;
!$ - represents the last argument
Ctrl + r - Reverse searches for your input
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