Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The most Richest place on Earth - Monaco

It is literally a very small strip, and all  around it lies France. For the last 50 year it has been the most glamorous, most star studded  and the richest place on earth.
The security is absolutely tight, one police officer for every 62 residences and hundreds of security cameras, its a CCTV heaven.

All the millionaires  and billionaires  of the world are queuing up to come here because of its Tax free status.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Monday, January 19, 2015

Where Design Patterns Originated

Design Patterns are .....

  • A General and reusable solutions to common problems in software design.
  • Not a finished solution.
  • A template or a recipe for solving certain problems.
  • Design patterns are not algorithms.

History ....

Design patterns did not originate with software development in fact there are originated with a man named "Christopher Alexander" who was a very successful building architect. He was responsible for more than 200 buildings world wide. In 1977 he introduced a book "A Pattern Language Towns Buildings Construction" and in this book Alexander proposed that there are different patterns in architectural design that one can recognize and one can make reuse of where appropriate.

Kent Beck and Ward Cunningham took the Alexander's idea around classification of patterns and applied it to software development. They introduced their work in OOPSLA conference in 1987.

The first Design Pattern book was the "Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software" and written by The "Gang of Four": Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides in 1994.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Text To Speech (TTS)

Its hard to find a Text To Speed software these days. Earlier there was a software called 'Read Please 2000' but its also pretty hard to find now.

So I just decided to write my own version of 'Text To Speech' software which is very simple and it uses the Microsoft Speech Synthesis engine (Microsoft.Speech) to generate speech.

Its a Windows based application written using C# .net. 

Source code:

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Secret of Proper Butterfly Technique

The trick is to maintain high hip position. During every stroke your hip should break the surface of the water.

After the recovery, when you re-enter the water you should sink down low, so that would help you to maintain a high hip position.

Need to follow the every stroke breathing pattern, if you take a non breathing stroke, your hips tent to sink and you have to climb even higher in the next breathing stroke.